.. currentmodule:: geopandas .. ipython:: python :suppress: import geopandas Merging Data ========================================= There are two ways to combine datasets in *geopandas* -- attribute joins and spatial joins. In an attribute join, a :class:`GeoSeries` or :class:`GeoDataFrame` is combined with a regular :class:`pandas.Series` or :class:`pandas.DataFrame` based on a common variable. This is analogous to normal merging or joining in *pandas*. In a Spatial Join, observations from two :class:`GeoSeries` or :class:`GeoDataFrame` are combined based on their spatial relationship to one another. In the following examples, we use these datasets: .. ipython:: python world = geopandas.read_file(geopandas.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_lowres')) cities = geopandas.read_file(geopandas.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_cities')) # For attribute join country_shapes = world[['geometry', 'iso_a3']] country_names = world[['name', 'iso_a3']] # For spatial join countries = world[['geometry', 'name']] countries = countries.rename(columns={'name':'country'}) Appending --------- Appending :class:`GeoDataFrame` and :class:`GeoSeries` uses pandas :meth:`~pandas.DataFrame.append` methods. Keep in mind, that appended geometry columns needs to have the same CRS. .. ipython:: python # Appending GeoSeries joined = world.geometry.append(cities.geometry) # Appending GeoDataFrames europe = world[world.continent == 'Europe'] asia = world[world.continent == 'Asia'] eurasia = europe.append(asia) Attribute Joins ---------------- Attribute joins are accomplished using the :meth:`~pandas.DataFrame.merge` method. In general, it is recommended to use the ``merge()`` method called from the spatial dataset. With that said, the stand-alone :func:`pandas.merge` function will work if the :class:`GeoDataFrame` is in the ``left`` argument; if a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` is in the ``left`` argument and a :class:`GeoDataFrame` is in the ``right`` position, the result will no longer be a :class:`GeoDataFrame`. For example, consider the following merge that adds full names to a :class:`GeoDataFrame` that initially has only ISO codes for each country by merging it with a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame`. .. ipython:: python # `country_shapes` is GeoDataFrame with country shapes and iso codes country_shapes.head() # `country_names` is DataFrame with country names and iso codes country_names.head() # Merge with `merge` method on shared variable (iso codes): country_shapes = country_shapes.merge(country_names, on='iso_a3') country_shapes.head() Spatial Joins ---------------- In a Spatial Join, two geometry objects are merged based on their spatial relationship to one another. .. ipython:: python # One GeoDataFrame of countries, one of Cities. # Want to merge so we can get each city's country. countries.head() cities.head() # Execute spatial join cities_with_country = cities.sjoin(countries, how="inner", predicate='intersects') cities_with_country.head() GeoPandas provides two spatial-join functions: - :meth:`GeoDataFrame.sjoin`: joins based on binary predicates (intersects, contains, etc.) - :meth:`GeoDataFrame.sjoin_nearest`: joins based on proximity, with the ability to set a maximum search radius. .. note:: For historical reasons, both methods are also available as top-level functions :func:`sjoin` and :func:`sjoin_nearest`. It is recommended to use methods as the functions may be deprecated in the future. Binary Predicate Joins ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Binary predicate joins are available via :meth:`GeoDataFrame.sjoin`. :meth:`GeoDataFrame.sjoin` has two core arguments: ``how`` and ``predicate``. **predicate** The ``predicate`` argument specifies how ``geopandas`` decides whether or not to join the attributes of one object to another, based on their geometric relationship. The values for ``predicate`` correspond to the names of geometric binary predicates and depend on the spatial index implementation. The default spatial index in ``geopandas`` currently supports the following values for ``predicate`` which are defined in the `Shapely documentation `__: * `intersects` * `contains` * `within` * `touches` * `crosses` * `overlaps` **how** The `how` argument specifies the type of join that will occur and which geometry is retained in the resultant :class:`GeoDataFrame`. It accepts the following options: * ``left``: use the index from the first (or `left_df`) :class:`GeoDataFrame` that you provide to :meth:`GeoDataFrame.sjoin`; retain only the `left_df` geometry column * ``right``: use index from second (or `right_df`); retain only the `right_df` geometry column * ``inner``: use intersection of index values from both :class:`GeoDataFrame`; retain only the `left_df` geometry column Note more complicated spatial relationships can be studied by combining geometric operations with spatial join. To find all polygons within a given distance of a point, for example, one can first use the :meth:`~geopandas.GeoSeries.buffer` method to expand each point into a circle of appropriate radius, then intersect those buffered circles with the polygons in question. Nearest Joins ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Proximity-based joins can be done via :meth:`GeoDataFrame.sjoin_nearest`. :meth:`GeoDataFrame.sjoin_nearest` shares the ``how`` argument with :meth:`GeoDataFrame.sjoin`, and includes two additional arguments: ``max_distance`` and ``distance_col``. **max_distance** The ``max_distance`` argument specifies a maximum search radius for matching geometries. This can have a considerable performance impact in some cases. If you can, it is highly recommended that you use this parameter. **distance_col** If set, the resultant GeoDataFrame will include a column with this name containing the computed distances between an input geometry and the nearest geometry.