
GeoSeries.to_arrow(geometry_encoding='WKB', interleaved=True, include_z=None)[source]#

Encode a GeoSeries to GeoArrow format.

See for details on the GeoArrow specification.

This functions returns a generic Arrow array object implementing the Arrow PyCapsule Protocol (i.e. having an __arrow_c_array__ method). This object can then be consumed by your Arrow implementation of choice that supports this protocol.

Added in version 1.0.

geometry_encoding{‘WKB’, ‘geoarrow’ }, default ‘WKB’

The GeoArrow encoding to use for the data conversion.

interleavedbool, default True

Only relevant for ‘geoarrow’ encoding. If True, the geometries’ coordinates are interleaved in a single fixed size list array. If False, the coordinates are stored as separate arrays in a struct type.

include_zbool, default None

Only relevant for ‘geoarrow’ encoding (for WKB, the dimensionality of the individial geometries is preserved). If False, return 2D geometries. If True, include the third dimension in the output (if a geometry has no third dimension, the z-coordinates will be NaN). By default, will infer the dimensionality from the input geometries. Note that this inference can be unreliable with empty geometries (for a guaranteed result, it is recommended to specify the keyword).


A generic Arrow array object with geometry data encoded to GeoArrow.


>>> from shapely.geometry import Point
>>> gser = geopandas.GeoSeries([Point(1, 2), Point(2, 1)])
>>> gser
0    POINT (1 2)
1    POINT (2 1)
dtype: geometry
>>> arrow_array = gser.to_arrow()
>>> arrow_array
< object at ...>

The returned array object needs to be consumed by a library implementing the Arrow PyCapsule Protocol. For example, wrapping the data as a pyarrow.Array (requires pyarrow >= 14.0):

>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> array = pa.array(arrow_array)
>>> array
<pyarrow.lib.BinaryArray object at ...>